Free version allows you:
- to render only up to 30 min of the activity
- use 5fps rendering (enough for most cases)
- to use all numeric metrics (in a digit format) available in the gpx file
Pro version includes:
- No watermark
- Unlimited duration of the activity
- Visual Gauges:
- Speed, Power, Grade, Heart rate
- Activity map:
- This is an overlay of your entire activity path and shows where you are.
- 10 FPS
- 5 FPS is enough for most cases, but 10 FPS looks slightly better and it's good for animated gauges
- 0.1 FPS for time-lapses
- Priority rendering
- sometimes there are a few people using the app, so there's a queue
- Priority support
- Guarantee. I will refund you if you can't make or merge the overlays with your video for some reason.
Preview of the Gauges and Map: